TALN Long Papers

Paper submission deadline (12 pages of content plus up to 2 pages for references) : January 30, 2017 February 6, 2017 (23:59 Paris time)
Notification: March 27, 2017
Camera-ready paper due: May 5, 2017 (14 pages maximum of content plus up to 2 pages for references)

TALN Short Papers

Paper submission deadline (6 pages of content plus up to 2 pages for references): April 10, 2017, April 17 2017(23:59 Paris time)
Notification: May 19, 2016
Camera-ready paper due: June 2, 2017 (7 pages of content plus up to 2 pages for references)

TALN Demonstrations (2 pages)

Paper submission deadline: May 19, 2017 (23:59 Paris time)
Notification: May 29, 2017
Camera-ready paper due: June 5, 2017

TALN Topics

The submitted papers should address topics related to NLP, including but not limited to:

  • Phonetics, phonology, morphology, part-of-speech tagging,
  • Syntax, grammars, parsing, chunking,
  • Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse,
  • Lexical and distributional semantics,
  • Linguistic and psycho-linguistic aspects of NLP,
  • Language resources for NLP,
  • Evaluation methods for NLP,
  • NLP applications (information retrieval and extraction,question-answering, generation and summarization, dialogue, sentiment analysis, etc.),
  • NLP and multi-modal interface (speech, vision, etc.),
  • NLP and multilingualism,
  • NLP for the Web and social networks,
  • NLP and low-resourced languages,
  • NLP and sign language,
  • NLP and ethics,
  • NLP and corpus linguistics,
  • NLP and Digital Humanities

Types of submissions

Two formats of papers are proposed: long papers (from 12 pages of content plus up to 2 pages for references) and short papers (6 pages of content plus up to 2 pages for references).  Long papers will be presented orally and short papers as posters.

TALN welcomes two types of communications:

  • Papers presenting original research work,
  • Position statements presenting a point of view on the state of NLP research

Submissions in English are acceptable if one of the authors is not a French speaker.  The accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

Submissions must present original, unpublished research. Literal translations of previously published papers are not admitted. However, translations enriched with new content can be submitted, provided that this fact is explicitly stated, and that the original sources are pointed at, under the preservation of anonymity.

Authors will be authorized to extend the final version of their accepted paper in order to integrate the remarks of the reviewers : 14 pages plus up to 2 pages for references for long papers, and 7 pages plus up to 2 pages of references for short papers.

Selection criteria

Each submission will be reviewed by at least three specialists of the domain. The following criteria apply:

  •  appropriateness to the conference topics,
  • substance and originality of the contribution,
  • correctness of the technical and scientific content,
  • critical discussion of the results, in particular with respect to the state of the art,
  • position of the work in the context of international research,
  • organization and clarity of presentation.

For position statements, the following qualities are emphasized:

  • scope of the presentation and consideration of the state of the art
  • originality and impact of the presented point of view.

A committee composed of members of the TAL Journal Editorial Board and of the TALN Program Committee will select, among the accepted papers, one paper (TALN Award) which will be recommended for publication (as an extended paper) in the journal Traitement Automatique des Langues (TAL).

Submission procedure

Submitted papers must conform to the official guidelines and style as described in the style file(Download Style File) and must be in the PDF format.

Submission Website : https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=taln2017

Since the review process is double-blind, the submitted papers must not include the authors’ names and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references and project names that reveal the author’s identity, e.g., « We previously showed (Smith, 1991) … », must be avoided.  The authors should use instead citations such as « Smith (1991) previously showed … ».  Acknowledgements should not be included in the first submission, and can be added instead to the final version of a paper after acceptance.